Magdalena Jetelová, Place,
Forest of Dean, 1986-2015
This is a wonderful
exhibition – beautiful in its conception and its execution.
The exhibition, curated by
Onya McCausland, and the works produced especially for it, arose out of the
decision to ‘de-commission’ Magdalena Jetelová’s extraordinary sculpture Place (better known as ‘The Giant’s
Chair’) sited on a mound in the Forest of Dean. This much loved work has been
in its commanding position overlooking the Cannop Valley for nearly 30 years –
but part of its ‘rightness’ in this location is the fact that over time it has
weathered and decayed and has a natural lifespan shared with the forest
surrounding it. It was part of Jetelová’s original intention that the chair be burnt
for making charcoal – a practice deeply embedded in the history of the Forest.
And so it was that in October 2015, witnessed by Jetelová herself, the chair
was dismantled and the wood built into a clamp – the wood is stacked and buried
under an earthed mound around a chimney: burning fuel is introduced through the
chimney and the wood burns slowly for several days transforming into charcoal
in the process.

The inspired decision to
appoint Onya McCausland to create new work out of the charcoal remains of the
chair and for her to commission 16 artists to make artworks using the charcoal
has resulted in this exhibition. In addition to McCausaland herself the artists
are: Edward Allington, Sophie Bouvier Auslander, Jess Bryant, ‘Rocket Child’ (Marcin
Gawin & Malgorzata Lucyna Zajac), Joy Gregory, Tess Jaray, James Keith, Sam
Llewellyn- Jones, Lisa Milroy, Jayne Parker, Lotte Scott, Joy Sleeman, Andrew
Stonyer, Kay Tabernacle and Jo Volley. (Click on images to enlarge.)
Sam Llewellyn-Jones
installing Disclosure in Hardwick Gallery, 2016 (Photo by Sarah Bowden)
Edward Allington,
Charcoal Needle, 2016
Sarah Bouvier Auslander, Brazil, 2016 (Charcoal on fired clay) |
Onya McCausland, Charcoal Measure, 2016 (Triptych copper plate etching - charcoal ink) |
Lotte Scott, Forest to Heath, 2016 |
Jayne Parker, Magnolia Bud, 2016 |
Charcoal Works - installation view |
Watch a video A Sense of Place recounting the history
of Jetelová’s ‘Chair’ and the decision to decommission it.
A new temporary work by
Onya McCausland, Charcoal Measure, can be seen in the Forest of Dean: charcoal
made from the de-commission of “Place” has been compressed into a series of
black trenches, scored into the ground, tracing the locations of coal excavations
1000ft below.
Onya McCausland, Charcoal
Measure, 2016 (Photo by Gareth Bowden) |
Onya McCausland, Charcoal
Measure, 2016 (Photo
by David Broadbent) |
the exhibition Charcoal Works, a
symposium, Deep Material Encounters, will be held at Clearwell Caves on Friday 15th
April 2016. See here for details.
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